gah. . . it's been too long. . . I really need to update this more. Please, believe me, my silence doesn't mean I'm not creating. I am, I just can't post anything >.<
I am a member on and like facebook, DA also has groups. One of the groups that I've gotten involved w/recently is called
ArtCrossing. I'm having a blast w/it. Basically you make a profile then you get assigned a profile. You make a gift based on the profile you've received and mail it to that person. It's like a chain letter but w/gifts.
I've been having a lot of fun w/it. It's a lot easier to create when you're doing it for a specific person and you don't have the pressure of giving them their money's worth. The only problem is, the addresses I've been given have been wrong :/ so my packages keep being returned to me. I can't post pics of the gifts I've made til the recipient receives them which is really annoying and it's driving me crazy b/c I'm really super proud of some of the stuff I've been doing of late and I really feel that w/everything going on in my personal life that it's been therapeutic to my creative juices.
I've gotten into making funky key chains like this one:

I love the visual dynamic that clusters create while at the same time being so elegant and intricate and hey, lets be honest, there's no "right" way or "wrong" way to create these clusters so you can really do w/e you want w/them.
In this case,
4 mm olivine czech druk beads frolick gayly amongst a series of cascading shamrocks (removed from a series of very unfortunate St. Patty's Day souvenirs) highlighting the playful and friendly nature that us Irish tend to have.
This keychain is a great way to accentuate your car or house keys w/o adding the bulk that lanyards tend to have and the lovely tinkling noise that the beads make clacking against each other is sure to remind you of the giggles of the wee folk frolicking out amongst the heather.
The Products:
in olivine were provided
I am part of their blogging project
and have not been paid for my use or
opinion of the above product(s).